the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
the scavi & ray winery stands for sparkling Italian joie de vivre and fine enjoyment at the highest level.
Scavi & Ray Ice Prestige
let's make it!
1. Fill with ice
2. Pouring with SCAVI & RAY ICE PRESTIGE.
3. Add six raspberries to the cocktail and stir gently.
4. Press four fresh mint leaves firmly between the palms of the hands to intensify the aroma and add to the cocktail.
Scavi & Ray Limoncello Sprizz
let's make it!
1. 4cl SCAVI & RAY Limoncello
2. 150 ml SCAVI & RAY Prosecco
3. Lemon slice and mint as topping